Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I know that it is very old news by now... but can you find the big fat liar in this picture?

I honestly LOVED "A Million Little Pieces" and don't really care that James lied.... errr.... really lied>>>> Proof is this big fat Smoking Gun Report... which is a really interesting read btw if you've read the book. I do feel disappointed and would have appreciated knowing that it was "BASED" on a true story and not a real true story and that James was not a huge criminal and he probably DID have novocaine and he was not wanted in 3 states and he was just a yuppie rich kid who liked coke and he probably was never a crackhead at all and there probably was no Lily or at least not like he portrayed and and and and... but really, who cares - the book was a fantastic read. He's a millionaire. Oprah gets more publicity. And I now have the original version of the book that doesn't have the disclaimer 'Based on a true story'... oh yaye. We all win.

PS. I am currently reading "Orser: A Skater's Life" (Written by Brian Orser and pictured in the pic above... my grandpa bought it for me while shopping at the Salvation Army.. it was probably a whopping 10 cents) .. let's just hope that nice sweet Brian isn't a liar too... Never.