Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I'm doing a lot of driving this week and all of a sudden on the radio today, I heard the new nkotb song, "Summertime".... um, gag. I found it a little creepy - 30somethings trying to sound like 13somethings.

However, what I AM loving right now: The Bachelor London Calling. I've watched pretty much every Bachelor but I am especially enjoying this season and thought last night's episode was hilarious at times... unusual for a "Women Tell All" episode. This guy's got a good sense of humour and seems pretty normal... for a Bachelor. ;)

I'm also loving this season of Idol and only because of David Cook... he's fantastic... I could listen to him sing Mariah Carey all day long.

What am I looking forward to? Why, DeAnna coming back of course!

That's about as much junk as I can handle right now... I need to go make my popcorn, watch my Two & A Half Men and get ready for Idol. It's a big night, the dogs are excited. ;)