Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Devastating Day.. Almost!

This morning I was sitting in a meeting and reached for my ear to twiddle with my earring and... nothing. Gasp. Shock. Horror. My favourite and only diamond earrings and one was missing AND in the middle of a meeting so I couldn't cry or pout or whine or curse or anything. Urg! So all day I kept thinking about my lost earring and it was just so depressing - so many thoughts: the happy day I received them, the years I've had them and loved them and worn them everyday, that time I thought I lost one in the car and flipped out until I found it in my coat pocket, how/when would I replace them? Would my new ones be as special? I kept thinking, "I guess I know where a portion of my annual bonus is going." Sigh.

A few minutes ago, I decided to check out my carpet in my room "just in case" b/c you never know, maybe it got pulled off when I put on my turtleneck sweater this morning at 6am and VOILA! I found the back to the earring just sitting on my carpet - so I look and look some more and holy crap, my earring - it lives. I almost feel like I won the lottery... or found $10 in my jeans. Yaye!