Sunday, December 18, 2005

A Night Far Farahway

A Night Far Farahway
Yup, it was a wee gathering at Fionn McCool's and the Wheat Sheaf with a few too many drinks... I finally met Farah and Fat Mike.. Chris came with and I also met IGD. Don't ask me why I wasn't in a picture taking mood this weekend - but I hardly took any pix at all... I think it was all the juicy gossip and stories. It was a great time and I'm pretty sure I need to get-together with Farah & this gang more often! ;)

UPDATE: IGD writes about the ever-so-critical Chris bashing the International Plowing Match on Saturday night - I forgot about that! lol The IPM is Glencoe's name to fame and all Chris could do was BE CRITICAL. ;)